Christ Lutheran Church is active in missions
through local volunteering and through benevolence giving.
Missions supported in part by Christ Lutheran Church include:
Christ Lutheran Church is active in missions
through local volunteering and through benevolence giving.
Missions supported in part by Christ Lutheran Church include:
Local Missions (Blair, Washington County)
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ for Middle/High School) (Jake Loftis)
Joseph's Coat (thrift store)
Katie Wulf (medical) Students International, Dominican Republic
Kids Against Hunger
Live Wise
Rachel's Vineyard
The Bridge
The Happening
Washington County Food Pantry
Washington County Ministerial Association
County Recycling Center
Regional Missions (Eastern NE - Western IA)
Assure Women’s Center
Capital Ministries (Ministry to Legislators)
Care Corps, Fremont, NE
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Christ For the City, Omaha, NE
Food Bank of The Heartland
God's Living Stones
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry, Lancaster County, NE
Harrison County Food Pantry, Missouri Valley, IA
Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp
Lincoln Crisis Pregnancy Center
Lutheran Family Services, Omaha, NE
Mission: Pre-born
Open Door Mission, Omaha, NE
Project Everlast (Youth Services), Lincoln, NE
Royal Family Kids Camp, Fremont, NE
Restoring the Foundations Heartland, LLC (God’s Living Stones)
Stephen’s Center, Omaha, NE
Table Grace, Omaha, NE
Team Serve
Ted. E. Bear Hollow
Teen Challenge of the Midlands
National Missions
Alliance Defending Freedom
Augustana District, LCMC
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Cross World (Amy and Ryan Clay) evangelism & discipleship, Kansas City
Four Chaplain MemorialFoundation
Institute of Lutheran Theology
Lutheran Disaster Assistance Fund
Matthew 25 Ministries, Cincinnati (flood relief)
The Navigators (Laura Karlin)
Oaks Indian Mission, Oklahoma
Prison Fellowship
Samaritans Purse
Wounded Warrior
Global Missions
Christ for the City International
Crossworld, Amy & Ryan Clay
Eastern European Mission Network
Ethiopian Evangelical Church
Friends from Madagascar (drought relief)
The Gideons International
Global Health Ministries, Pat Bentsen, Madagascar
India Transformed, Pastor John Peter Kirubagaran
Iris Global, Mama Heidi Baker, Sudan
Lutheran Bible Translators
Lutheran World Relief
McMahan Family, Copper Island, Canada
Operation Kid-to-Kid, Peru
Pioneers, Eckdahl Family
Restoring Hope International
Salaam International (David & Jen)
Self Help
Shalom Ministries, Pastor Vijay Singh, India
Story of Lamp, Canada
Students International, Dominican Republic
Team Serve (clinic & orphanage), Ethiopia
Tropical Health Alliance
Vinh Dien Evangelical Church, Norman Jelken, Vietnam
World Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators,Paula Akerson, Papua, New Guinea
Bible Translators (Paula A.)