Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 9am- 2pm
Office Phone During Office Hours
402 426 2424
Live Worship Youtube Channel
For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
Augustana Women of the Word Fall Gathering
2024 Fall Gathering Augustana District Women of the Word is coming up on September 21, 2024. This will be hosted by Faith Lutheran Church in Hutchinson, MN from 8:30am to 3pm. Featured Guest Speaker is Gretchen Ronnevik Author & Jr Fellow with 1517.org. She is a writer, speaker, and homeschooling mom of six kids. The Registration Deadline is September 9, 2024, and the In Person Cost is $25.00. Registration Online via Zoom is $25 an individual and $50 for a church. You may send your registration & payment to Diane Anderson C/O WOW Treasurer 134 Detroit Ave SE Hutchinson, MN 55350. Please Make Checks Payable To: Women of the Word. You may also view the information and register online at https://augustanadistrict.org/events/2024-fall-gathering/.
The Lord Calls us to Share the Good News
Thank you to those who are giving! Christ Lutheran Church continues its ministry and mission even during a pandemic. We encourage you to give faithfully. The Lord encourages regular, sacrificial giving for our good, not His. Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given to you.” Luke 6:38a. You may give in three ways: 1) mail your offerings to the church at: 750 Angels Share Drive, Suite 101, Blair, NE 68008; 2) use your online banking account (as you would with your other bill pay accounts); or 3) make your offering online by visiting the Christ Lutheran Church website at http://christlutheranblair.org/give. “You give because the love of God has been poured in your heart, not to satisfy the law.” - Sherry White.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
Our DNA - what we are made of
Christ Lutheran Church is a body of people who are broken, imperfect, and in need of wholeness that can only come from Jesus Christ. We make mistakes, we say we're sorry, and we all have a past. Some of us have known Jesus all our lives, and some are just discovering who He is. There is no dress code or level of knowledge required to be a part of the Christ Lutheran family. We believe the church was created to love all and not just those who look the best or know the most. All ages are welcome in service, and currently you will find infants to eighties and everything in between. Our differences are what make us unique children of God.
Learn more about who we are and what we believe.
September 8th's Worship Service